America's Real Estate Associates, Inc. is a full
service real estate company located in Woodstock, Georgia. |
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The BEST single source for Real Estate Information. |
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Buyer Representation - the right home - the right price - the right
terms - AREA agents know the difference between representing sellers and representing buyers - our buyers agents share the your joy and enthusiasm when buyer goals are achieved. |
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Seller Representation - when you are serious about selling your home
- AREA offers old fashioned person to person sales service. Our selling agents will actually stay in contact you and keep you abreast of the marketing plan and the results as they are achieved. |
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Find HUD and Bank owned properties - for investors or homebuyers - shop and bid for HUD and other lender foreclosures on line. |
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Learn about a career in real estate - join us in an exciting and rewarding
career in real estate. |
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Appraisal Services - AREA provides appraisals for mortgage loans, estate planning, investment analysis, purchase price decisions, selling decisions, compelled sales (government acquisition), and tax planning - performed by registered, licensed, or certified
appraisers. |
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Home Inspections - AREA provides educated, trained, and qualified home inspectors. |